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Improvisational Arguments is written in free verse to capture the essence of modern problems and triumphs. The poems clearly relate short, frequently humorous and occasionally tragic, stories about travels to exotic and unusual places, fantastic realms, abnormal jobs, artistic innovations, political objections, and misadventures with love.

About the Author

Anna Faktorovich is a full-time English Lecturer at the Middle Georgia College. In the 2010-2011 academic year, she taught as an Instructor for the Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. She has a Ph.D. in English Literature and Criticism, and an M.A. in Comparative Literature. She has published critical essays (Peer English (UK), Impact of Don Quijote, Studies in the Humanities), fiction (Midwestern Literary Magazine) and newspaper articles (D-Lib Magazine, Inside Higher Ed, Cambridge Chronicle). She won the Brown University and MLA Bibliography Fellowships. She presented her scholarly research at conferences like the MLA, SAMLA, EAPSU, SWWC, BWWC, the Twilight Conference and many others. She is the Founder and Director of the Anaphora Literary Press, and works as the Editor-in-Chief of the press’s Pennsylvania Literary Journal.

Anaphora Literary Press